Sunday, January 29, 2006

Eyes Filled With Red

No, my eyes aren't bleeding. What I am talking about is Chinese New Year and its obsession with red. I was wearing red, so was many other people at the usual Chinese New Year gathering in my grandparents' house, and I recieved red packs. I am probably one of the many people who doesn't care about the green or red or blue notes in these red packs. I'm not as money-minded as many other people. I have what I need, and I'm living well enough with it.

Moving on. If my eyes were bleeding, it might be because of this.


A picture worth seven boxes of Ricola. That would make up about RM4 each? You could almost buy a RM30 reload card. No, I'm not addicted to it and I don't know why I kept this rubbish. Though, they taste really nice, their side-effect is mild laxative effect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i eat grass

January 30, 2006 3:16 pm  
Blogger Jason C. said...

I cannot believe this. You finally got a proper blog. Wooooooo!!!

I'm hoping you didn't eat all that Ricolaâ„¢. That would really be bad. Even though they're sugar free.

January 30, 2006 9:19 pm  

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