Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wednesday On thuRsday

2007 is here and Kicking off wIth a start i would like to tell you all about my forth week iN school. it is really abnormal for me to type with random capital letters everywhere but it's my keyboard is broken... fine, i'm lyinG and i always have my reasOns. so skullpaNda is now in my class and papergorilla is out of the school. the oTher students are tHe same and the teacheRs arE thE same. boriNg days. i kEpt myself occupied With heroeS and house. They are amazing shOws and they have my RecommendatIons. apart from that, vEronica marS is great too. Won't take too long. I'll be back to my normaL posting soon so don't worry, i have something in store for you. Like a saying of mine, Patience is nOt really a virtue but you have to wait. So sTay tune For It, won't take long. Really, i'm crapping now becauSe of cerTain reasOns. Need to wastE more time. that's it. see you SOON.

suoiruc si ro ...erac od uoy snaem ti siht daer uoy fi

oh, by the way, you know how i love to hide secrets behind my writings. good luck on deciphering. the post has no actual meaning but it's actually true. amazing.


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