Date of event: 14 March 2007
Our journey began.
We were all packed; even a special wheelchair was brought for this mission.Our enemies was one step ahead of us. They sabotaged PaperGorilla’s transportation to south. He hopped on to my vehicle and drove to the bus station.
Papergorilla on the very right
We gathered the bus station and once on the bus, we acted as normal citizens as secretly plan our big mission.
PaperGorilla and SkullPanda
AmonDeis and Peako
Then suddenly, it poured. It poured so badly, the bus had to stop at a local area.
There we got information on our first little mission. We had to deliver ‘cocaine’ cakes to south.
After about three more hours, we finally reached the border. They checked our passport and we continued on.
There were customs examination but we eluded it even though there were weapons in our luggage. The metal detectors were fooled.
About another thirty minutes later, we reached our hotels at seven thirty in the evening. There were no pictures of our room because it was a secret conference room and it was also messy. Peako needed to meet up with the local agents and he was late. SkullPanda began to yell at traffic lights. Peako was supposed to be killed but they excused him. There we listen intently about what they have to say. We walked a lot mindlessly as tourists. By about 12 o’clock we were in our room where we watched the television. We talked a lot before we finally went to bed. Oh, also, AmonDeis slept with PaperGorilla. That was it for the first day. Over and out.
Card: Ms Neo+Ability
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